Monday, January 26, 2009

Learning To Love You More - Kendra

Kendra Mallory:

Assignment #51:

Post Mortem Disposal of Kendra Nisena Mallory

As most likely stated in my will, there is to be no burial of my body.  I am to be cremated, burnt to ash, and scattered to all the places I have loved in my travels: Macchu Picchu, Hong Kong, India; to Cozumel Mexico, to the backyard of my grandparents house in Tampa, Florida, to Alfred University in New York, to Napilli Kai resort in Maui, Hawaii, to Italy and Spain.  My ashes are to be scattered to all these places, and only a small pinch of me is to be kept by my family and done with as they please.  Whether they bury me in the backyard of the house I grew up in with my old cat Black Kitty or whether I am fed to the deer, rabbits, birds, and consequently the predators of that area, I care not.  I will be happy everywhere I rest.

Assignment #32
"Where the Red Fern Grows" - burial of Dan the Redbone

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