Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Final Assignment

Project Documentation

Due: Wednesday, May 6th (must be in the Art Office mailboxes by 4PM!)   

Your final assignment is to turn in documentation of the sculpture projects you’ve made all semester. The more documentation, the better (but please no more than 5 images per project). We will look at your images along with your sketchbooks and they will help us determine your final grade for the class. This is worth 10% of your grade!   

Documentation should be either photographs or video in a digital format as follows:        
(follow these instructions carefully!)   

Make sure your photographs are .jpg files. You can also submit video, which should be .mov files.   

Name each file with the title of the piece it pictures, and number the files if you have more than one image of that piece. (Fore example, if the title of your sculpture is “Broken”, and you have two images of it, name your files broken1.jpg and broken2.jpg)   

Make an image list for all your work in Microsoft Word, and save it as imagelist.doc (please no .docx files!). 

Your image list should read as follows:   
Your name at top of page   
Title of Piece (in italics) 
Dimensions (height x width x depth - in inches) 
Materials used to make it (plaster, duct tape, wire, etc.)   

Burn all of your files plus the image list on to TWO CD’s – one for each of your instructors. Write your name on the CD with a sharpie and place it in an envelope or plastic case so that it will not get scratched.   Drop both of your CD’s and your sketchbook off in either Jenna’s or Alicia’s mailbox in the art office by 4PM on Wednesday (ask one of the secretaries to show you where they are).   We highly recommend you take the documentation of your work seriously. Re-photograph projects if necessary. Make sure the images are clear (not blurry) and well lit. Show us how you want us to see the work. Show us how much you care!

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