Beginning Sculpture
Professrors: Jenna Efrein and Alicia Eggert
Asiggnment – Welding
Open: non-functional:
2’ x 4’ sheet steel
6’ steel rod
plus any additional materials of your choice
1) Your project must contain at least one cut, bend, and weld
2) You are free to discuss conceptually whatever you like
3) Please attempt to make this a non-functional art piece
4) Consider the qualities of your material choices
Wed April 15th
-Art 21
drill press
angle grinder
band saw
bender rose bud
-Work Day
Mon April 20th
- Art 21
- Work Day
Wed April 22nd
- Art 21
-Work Day
Moon April 27th
-Art 21
-Work Day
Wed April 29th Be installed Before Class
- Cirt
Mon May 4th
-Mandatory Clean Up of studio